Diversified Technique

What Does the Diversified Technique Involve?

As the name suggests, the diversified technique involves a range of chiropractic adjustments, all of which are used to correct affected vertebral segments. Diversified adjustments involve the delivery a quick and short thrust to the restricted joints, either by hand or with the assistance of a table or block.

A type of high-velocity, low-amplitude adjustment, this technique is delivered at a precise angle, depth, direction and speed, which is determined through years of practice, experience, education, and diagnostic expertise.

How Safe Is the Diversified Technique?

The Diversified technique is considered to be remarkably safe by chiropractors and broader medical community in general. In fact, it is the most commonly used chiropractic technique by the vast majority of chiropractors. Before we begin any treatment, our doctors perform a thorough analysis of your spine and general health, including your medical history of x-rays wherever necessary. Using our experience, we will determine, the safest and most effective treatment method for your needs, including further medical referrals as necessary.

Does Spinal Manipulation Hurt?

As with most chiropractic adjustments, the Diversified technique is generally painless and often quite pleasant. Patients will usually experience an instant sense of relief, while mild general soreness may occur for a few days following the treatment.